Soulmate Psychic Reading - Spiritually Guided Tarot Reading


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Soulmate Psychic Reading. Spiritually Guided Tarot Reading will determine if the person you are with or are interested in has long term potential that could potentially lead to marriage. 

Soulmate Tarot Spread:

Is this person a Soulmate.
Influences standing in the way of the Relationship.
Influences acting in favor of the Relationship.
What you can do to open your life to this person.
What they can do to open their life to you. 
Is commitment/marriage a possibility with this person.
Anything else needed to be known about this Relationship or this person.


Your Reading will also include Free Follow Up and Clarification based on what was said during the Reading.



⭐ Your First & Last Name

⭐ Birth Date (Month/Day/Year)

⭐ Their First & Last Name

⭐ Their Birth Date (Month/Day/Year)

⭐ Your Question or Situation. 

-Please be as detailed as possible. Details help me connect to your energy. If I only receive your name and date of birth your Reading may be declined. 

⭐ A Photo of yourself if possible. 

⭐ A Photo of them if possible.



This Reading will be sent to you through email and have a PDF attachement which will also include pictures of the cards pulled during your Reading. Performed within 2 Business days.


Now you can listen to your Reading on your computer or mobile device anytime, anywhere! If you are unsure if you're able to listen to an MP3 on your device message me and I will send you a sample Reading as a test. Performed within 2 Business days.


One on one Private Reading. This Reading can either be performed by Audio or Text Call on Skype. The preference is yours. Once you have purchased this Reading you'll recieve an email within 24 hours with my schedule attached so you can book your Reading. 


Once you have become a client of mine you will always receive a Return Discount Code. 


By Law I must state that All Readings are for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Reading will NOT effect a physical change or other outcome, such as weight loss, love, or revenge. I also do not perform Readings in relation to Gender Predictions, Winning Money or Health Related Issues.

Timing is very fluid and can be impacted very easily. The purpose of a Reading is to give you a Guideline of what is to come but it is the paths that you choose from there on out that will determine the timing.